For your consideration
I bought paint today...God I'm exciting. I've been doing a little pandora listening while working on the spare bedroom, so listen and enjoy.
Kristen Nuggets
bridget jones has nothing on me
15 minute lunch
everything is wrong with me
charming but single
unforgiving bitch
pull the plug...seriously
hope dies last
date girl diaries
breathe with me
"Welcome to my blog about bitching."
"Here are some of my recent posts."
I bought paint today...God I'm exciting. I've been doing a little pandora listening while working on the spare bedroom, so listen and enjoy.
4:46 PM
so i went to finally listen to this. i enjoyed the song, but it was partially ruined by that horrible video. a song is about a feeling and a story, it isn't just something made up on a bunch of words.
thats why i hate this video and all of the others like it. top
3:20 AM
well I take what I can get when it comes to youtube. I suppose I usually dont watch the video before posting it (shrug) perhaps I should put more time and pride into my blog...nah I don't really see that happening. top