I'm Not a Lesbian
I’m more intoned with the gay world than any straight woman should be. Usually about once a month someone asks me if I’m a lesbian. I don’t really fit the typical “lesbian” stereotype but my constant appearance in gay-friendly venues must make people wonder enough to get up the gumption to ask.
I don’t like this question because it makes me feel weird to “fess up” and say I’m straight and then it invariably leads to a line of questioning of why am I here then. And I get in their weird defensive mood and feel I have to explain myself.
This weekend I had two relative strangers inquire about my sexuality (Within 5minutes of meeting me). Sometimes I just want to strangle them. In my 26years I have never EVER asked anyone if they were gay. EVER! I figure they will either tell me or it will become obvious if and when I get to know them better.
To go with the spirt of my post a clip from the movie Trick. If you havent sceen it you should.
Labels: Stupid People, YouTube
12:33 AM
I havent made out with strange women in fact any women in a good year. top